Employee Leave Management System In Python With Source Code


Employee Leave Management System is developed for both

faculty and technical staff so they can apply to ask for leave with the ease

of the internet. After applying for leave an email will be sent to respective

higher authorities for confirmation. If their request is approved, the

Employee Leave Management is sent to the Director after which the application is sent a leave grant email. This application is developed using Python programming language.

Features of Employee Leave Management System In Python:

Login page for admin, faculty, technical

staff and other staff;

● Login page for faculty, technical staff, and other staff

redirects to the leave application page

● General Leave Form for all categories;

● Station Leave Form (if applicable) for all categories;

● rejoining form for all categories

Login page for faculty redirects to a page which lists all

the leave applicant and option to either approve or

disapprove of their application.

● The email system to notify the admin when a leave application

is filled;

● which notifies the Director of the leave;

● which notifies the applicant to verify whether the leave is

approved or not.

Installation and Setup:

Download and Extract the project .zip file

Run the app.py file using python 3.0 or any other versions


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